Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Saturday 30 July 2016

Day 19 Antigonish, Nova Scotia

We were up early and headed down the street on a Java mission, delicious freshly baked blueberry muffins and a strong Latte. So yummy!  Traffic didn't exist when we pulled out of the hotel parking lot, good thing as the bridge google lady directed us to was closed for repairs.  We kept going and she rerouted us out of town to route 7 to follow the coast east towards Cape Breton island and Mondays ferry to the furthest leg of our journey, New Found land😁
Route 7 provided a curving road thru small communities back and forth between the ocean shore, lakes, fields and tree covered slopes.  The shoreline is ragged and covered in yellow seaweed. We stopped in Sherbrooke, a small village where we had lunch and refilled our gas tanks.  Gas stations are few and far between.

Friday 29 July 2016

Day 18 City of Halifax

Halifax, whahoo we enjoyed being a tourist in this beautiful city. From old red brick buildings, the Citadel, the Library, the newly constructed high rises with all the reflected glass to the harbour board walk, the Busker's Festival, the live music in the beer gardens, casino and street bars.   We did it all and loved the atmosphere and all the people we met!

Day 17 Halifax Nova Scotia

We left Pictou following route 6 The Sunrise Trail thru farms and rural villages. In the middle of ?? There was a sign for Bakery and Cafe, we followed signs off the highway towards the beach for about 3 klm.  To my delight it was a bakery!!! I had fresh biscuits and chili for breakfast.  After 140 klms we ended up at Amherst where the road intersected IP with the TransCanada highway, at that point we headed south to Parrsboro.  There was very little traffic on the winding road, lots of farms with hay round bales dotting the landscape, and the ocean red sand glittering at low tide.  I had called ahead to a Downtown Halifax hotel earlier so at this point I gave my google lady the address.  She Took over the navigation, eventually we were back on the TransCanada highway and then off again on route 2 for freeway driving.  Close to Halifax we turned onto a toll bridge where 6 lanes merged to one, there was swearing coming from the other headset!  It worked out to be quicker than I thought it would be.  Without the Google lady directing us we never would have found the hotel which is located 4 blocks from the downtown boardwalk and harbour, it is hopping down there.  We had a delicious dinner at the Bike Thief; the Sangria with white wine, cointreau, blue berries, rhubarb and basil was so refreshing.  At 8:30 we met up with 2 kids from Campbell River who are living far from home, they led us to an Irish pub where we caught up on each other's adventures!

Thursday 28 July 2016

Day 16 Pictou Nova Scotia

We had another repair done to my engine, new lifters; definitely an improvement on the noise.  We have agreed that we will finish the trip, if it breaks down we will crate it and ship it home.  So frustrating but such is life!
We went to woods island to the ferry, arriving at 3:30 we were told 4:30 ferry would leave about 5 which gave us time to grab a snack and some shade.
The trip over is about 75 minutes and there were logging trucks lined up to board who had been waiting since 8:30 in the morning as one of the two ships was out for repairs. Looks like they are hauling pine to the pulp mill on the other side.  It was nice to feel the cooling wind on deck while we watched the land, porpoises and kelp float by.
We stayed at the Lion stone Inn, which was the first that we came to..... accommodation is definitely scarce, long weekend is ahead and tourists are traveling.
Fat Tony's pub served up yummy squid, haddock and salads, within walking distance it provided us with much needed exercise.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Day 14 Moncton and Day 15 PEI

We enjoyed our restful morning walking Moncton's trail beside the bay of Fundy before starting on our overdue chores; laundry and oil changes.  We decided to stay another night before going to PEI, it is a beautiful hotel, in a great location, and the beverages are cold!  At 2:45 we rushed back to the Bay of Fundy trail to witness the tide coming in.  It was like watching a dam opening on a riverbed, the foamy red, silty water rushed passed us rising higher and higher. The Main Street of Moncton passes in front of the hotel, it is where the locals cruise back and forth showing off their hot cars, trucks and bikes.  We spent a couple hours people watching after dinner.  It reminded both of us of the Tyee Plaza in the old days when it was the local hang out!

It was a 95 klm ride to the Confederation bridge, the site was definitely a "wow" moment, 12.9 klms long it is the longest in the world.
We drove north for a couple hours before heading south to Charlotte town, passing acres and acres of potatoes in bloom, both red and white.  I never knew the potato blossoms were scented until today.  Dairy farms with Holstein cows and hay bales were between the small communities, the roads were busy and it took four phone calls to get a room for tonight; lots of tourists.

Monday 25 July 2016

Day 13 Moncton New Brunswick

580 klms of riding; we started out following the coastline, half way there we went over a bridge into New Brunswick and then inland from there.  The beaches were changing constantly from rugged red cliffs, open sandy bays, tidal flats and huge river estuaries.  Lots of traffic going from one small community to the next. Moose warning signs at regular intervals on the inland section, kinda glad I didn't see one.  The churches are not as grand in New Brunswick, we are not stopping any more.
Moncton is a pit stop for oil changes and lifter adjustment on my mean machine.  We are at the Delta on Main Street, right downtown.  The energy on the street last was bumping, hot rods and bikes cruising the strip, outdoor cafes and pubs.  Until the thunder cloud dropped the rain; we all ran for cover or a new venue!  We went to our hotel bar for nachos, a melontini martini which was 3 oz and $17.95 and a Ceasar for my date.  I only had one!! We talked to two guys who were from Montreal, they are riding the Cabot Trail on a Harley and a Campagna motors Trex

? Not sure of the spelling.  The one guy lost his arm in a farming accident when he was 4, his dream was to ride!!  Very cool vehicle!

Saturday 23 July 2016

Day 12 Percer Quebec

We enjoyed a late start this morning, we devoured the delicious continental breakfast and GOOD coffee before hitting the road.  Great ride in sunshine and marine cloud, similar to the Oregon coast until we hit lands end when it turned to mist.  The windshield and mirrors fogged up with the change in temperature.  The last 80 klm turned to rain so we pulled over about 3 pm in Percer.  It is a tourist town with lots of motels, people, restaurants and gift shops.  The ocean is across the street; I put my fingers in the Atlantic ocean and got a soaked foot too!  I have a couple new rocks for my garden fountain.  Everything is still French but we are able to figure out stuff with my high school French, who knows what sights we have missed cause we didn't understand the road signs.  Al has been taking pictures of the churches, there is one in every town, probably about 15 in 200 klm.

Friday 22 July 2016

Day 11 Ste Anne Des Mont, Que

Say good bye to the marathon ride, hello touring!  The pace will be slower as we putt thru the maritime provinces.  I have been enjoying the new Radler beers at the Brew and Tap houses! Beer=Love, Al liked that!!
We shut it down after 400 kilometers so that we could celebrate our anniversary.  For 20 years he has been looking at me in his mirrors.  He hasnt lost me yet!  We left on Autoroute 20, finishing on Hwy 132 heading for Land's End, bay of Gaspe and the Gulf of St Lawrence.  We rode thru luscious green farmland where the cows were eating beside the rode.  The road followed the coastline thru small villages of Cape cod style houses, winding up and over the hills to views of black rocks on the shore, mud flats and white caps. A great ride!

Seafood dinner to celebrate 20 years! 

Thursday 21 July 2016

Day 10 bye bye Ontario

Last night we went on an adventure after dinner.  we had gone for a walk and knocked on the door of a out of service bus to ask the driver some questions.  He was so helpful, gave us free all day passes, told us which bus to take.  We rushed to the hotel grabbed walking shoes and got to the bus stop, same guy picked us up. We went thru older Brown stone neighborhoods, to the subway stations, to the hospital, beside the Ottawa River then downtown so we could walk to the Parliament buildings.  It took over an hour.  There was a free light show with Street blocked off and thousands of people watching from bleachers, lawn chairs and standing.
 We left Ottawa on hwy 417, then our GPS lady took us South on 138 until we met up with ont401.  From there we rode around Montreal on auto route 20 and 30 eventually hooking up with the TransCanada hwy stopping in Montmagny Quebec.  We are in a foreign country!!!  Gotta love the GPS lady and the headsets, it was crazy at times but we were able to talk and get thru it.

it is definitely different around Quebec City compared to 40 years ago when I was there.  the traffic on the TransCanada is just like on the Fraser Valley stretch of highway.  We stopped at a massive church on hwy 138 where Simon Fraser was buried. it was built of stone blocks and it was massive with a tall steeple.  The grave yard had headstones for acres, with a new section ready for more.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Day 9 Ottawa

Still in Ontario after travelling over 5000 klm we are in Southwest Ottawa. We left with the sun shining, NO rain, another great day on the road.  The highway wound thru rugged terrain with not many trees to pine forest and them farmers fields.  Small little towns along the way where the houses are old and built of rock or brick.  The massive barns with weathered boards and rusty tin roofs, I had to wonder how many animals were raised there? When we stopped for lunch we felt like we were in a foreign country as every one was speaking French, the road signs are bilingual, good thing the GPS is English.  It looks like it is going to be hectic going around Montreal tomorrow.  The GPS told me there was a 5 minute delay 9 klms ahead so we took the first exit for a hotel.  No way we were going to get stuck in the rush hour.  The new head sets are awesome!!

Last night we ate at a Tap House, on the patio looking out at the smelter smoke stack.  Everyone we have talked to comments on the number of houses for sale, the plants shutting down...

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Day 8 Sudbury Ontario

Another day in Ontario, one more to go til we ride into Quebec, the Province is huge!  We slept in and had a few stops along the way in the small towns along the TransCanada hwy.  It is like riding on the old island hwy slowing down to 60 k/h at every little store and gas station.  I have yet to find any black pepper chips, the Radler beer is yummy so it makes up for it.
There were a couple wide rivers we rode beside but other than that it is pretty boring.

Monday 18 July 2016

Day 7 Thunderbay to Seault St Marie

We road out of town in bright sunshine, whahoo!  The roads were dry, traffic was light and Al complained that it was the most boring road he has ridden.  We had planned on staying in Wawa but every place had no vacancy.  I called a couple motels in Chapleau which was an alternate route it was booked too.  That was a 150 klm ride the other was 200 klm, off we went.  It was a beautiful evening ride, no animals and very little traffic.  Riding beside Lake Superior reminds me of the Tofino area, rugged beaches, waves, and blue water for miles.  Difference is this is a lake!!

Sunday 17 July 2016

Day 6 Rain rain go away!

To think we road thru Thunder and lightning, hail and buckets of rain drops from Kenora to Thunder Bay. An hour and a half after we parked the sun is shining now! Hopefully it is sunny tomorrow when hit the road.
It was crazy weather but the drivers were very patient and courteous.  O Canada!!!!

Saturday 16 July 2016

Day 4 and 5 Swift Current to Kenora Ontariowe

Ok we can check off BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, we passed the mid point of Canada. We are staying on the Winnipeg River with some new biker buddies, who are cousins of Wendy #2.  So beautiful!
The bikes are washed, the clothes are washed, we are enjoying a few beers and good riding stories.
We have missed the rain although a storm is supposed to pass thru here late tonight.  The prairies are soooo boring but the miles accumulated quickly when it is a straight road.  on to Thunder Bay tomorrow!

Thursday 14 July 2016

Day 4 Swift Current Saskatchewan

 Google and I took Al on a 400 k
Scenic ride thru Alberta, we went north of Hwy 1 and meandered East to Medicine Hat.  After that we road to the Cypress Hills park turning around after realising it was not that spectacular.
After 700 klms we quit for the day with a visit to the casino before bed!

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Day 3 Sparwood BC

We missed the rain again today!!  Thank you mister sun! 600 plus klms, breakfast at our favourite bakery in Greenwood, coffee at the Dragon Fly in Salmo, cherries at the rest stop in Cranbrook.  O'Canada, it is definitely a beautiful land!  We called ahead and booked the room in Sparwood, when we checked in Al upgraded to a king size bed with the Jacuzzi tub; definitely made the neck muscles relax after the 1 St big day of the ride. We chatted with the bar
tender while sipping martinis, the coal mine is feeling the slump in prices which is making it tough for the locals.  She bought in Fernie 20 years ago for 60,000: it is now worth $700,000.  Good luck to the next generation as it won't be easy!

Tuesday 12 July 2016


On the 9 am ferry where we watched the rain drops hit the windows while crossing active pass. Lucky for us we didn't have to ride in rain until 13 klm from our destination.  We were delayed for a bit at Denco while they connected Al's new tach.  We enjoyed fresh corn at our favourite fruit stand Parsons, then dinner at the Branding Iron restaurant, it was a great choice.  The Elks Motel surprised us with the modern clean room!!! 

Coast to Coast in 2016

We are going to dip our tires in the Pacific Ocean at the boat ramp in Campbell River, drive to MILE ZERO of the Trans Canada Highway in Victoria and head East to the farthest point of Canada, St. John's Newfoundland where our tires will feel the cold Atlantic Ocean. There will be 7686 kilometers of pavement, countless hours sitting on the Harley's seat, in rain, wind, and hopefully lots of sunshine.  A trip to record in our memory book with the events, places, people, mountains, rivers, and plains of this beautiful country we call HOME!
Map from Campbell River, BC to St John's, NL