Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Saturday 30 July 2016

Day 19 Antigonish, Nova Scotia

We were up early and headed down the street on a Java mission, delicious freshly baked blueberry muffins and a strong Latte. So yummy!  Traffic didn't exist when we pulled out of the hotel parking lot, good thing as the bridge google lady directed us to was closed for repairs.  We kept going and she rerouted us out of town to route 7 to follow the coast east towards Cape Breton island and Mondays ferry to the furthest leg of our journey, New Found land😁
Route 7 provided a curving road thru small communities back and forth between the ocean shore, lakes, fields and tree covered slopes.  The shoreline is ragged and covered in yellow seaweed. We stopped in Sherbrooke, a small village where we had lunch and refilled our gas tanks.  Gas stations are few and far between.

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