Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Day 9 Ottawa

Still in Ontario after travelling over 5000 klm we are in Southwest Ottawa. We left with the sun shining, NO rain, another great day on the road.  The highway wound thru rugged terrain with not many trees to pine forest and them farmers fields.  Small little towns along the way where the houses are old and built of rock or brick.  The massive barns with weathered boards and rusty tin roofs, I had to wonder how many animals were raised there? When we stopped for lunch we felt like we were in a foreign country as every one was speaking French, the road signs are bilingual, good thing the GPS is English.  It looks like it is going to be hectic going around Montreal tomorrow.  The GPS told me there was a 5 minute delay 9 klms ahead so we took the first exit for a hotel.  No way we were going to get stuck in the rush hour.  The new head sets are awesome!!

Last night we ate at a Tap House, on the patio looking out at the smelter smoke stack.  Everyone we have talked to comments on the number of houses for sale, the plants shutting down...

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