Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Thursday 21 July 2016

Day 10 bye bye Ontario

Last night we went on an adventure after dinner.  we had gone for a walk and knocked on the door of a out of service bus to ask the driver some questions.  He was so helpful, gave us free all day passes, told us which bus to take.  We rushed to the hotel grabbed walking shoes and got to the bus stop, same guy picked us up. We went thru older Brown stone neighborhoods, to the subway stations, to the hospital, beside the Ottawa River then downtown so we could walk to the Parliament buildings.  It took over an hour.  There was a free light show with Street blocked off and thousands of people watching from bleachers, lawn chairs and standing.
 We left Ottawa on hwy 417, then our GPS lady took us South on 138 until we met up with ont401.  From there we rode around Montreal on auto route 20 and 30 eventually hooking up with the TransCanada hwy stopping in Montmagny Quebec.  We are in a foreign country!!!  Gotta love the GPS lady and the headsets, it was crazy at times but we were able to talk and get thru it.

it is definitely different around Quebec City compared to 40 years ago when I was there.  the traffic on the TransCanada is just like on the Fraser Valley stretch of highway.  We stopped at a massive church on hwy 138 where Simon Fraser was buried. it was built of stone blocks and it was massive with a tall steeple.  The grave yard had headstones for acres, with a new section ready for more.

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