Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Saturday 23 July 2016

Day 12 Percer Quebec

We enjoyed a late start this morning, we devoured the delicious continental breakfast and GOOD coffee before hitting the road.  Great ride in sunshine and marine cloud, similar to the Oregon coast until we hit lands end when it turned to mist.  The windshield and mirrors fogged up with the change in temperature.  The last 80 klm turned to rain so we pulled over about 3 pm in Percer.  It is a tourist town with lots of motels, people, restaurants and gift shops.  The ocean is across the street; I put my fingers in the Atlantic ocean and got a soaked foot too!  I have a couple new rocks for my garden fountain.  Everything is still French but we are able to figure out stuff with my high school French, who knows what sights we have missed cause we didn't understand the road signs.  Al has been taking pictures of the churches, there is one in every town, probably about 15 in 200 klm.

1 comment:

  1. So cool, you guys. I love the colours of the buildings. You have touched the Atlantic!!
