Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Tuesday 24 July 2012

We made it!!! Niagara Falls !!!

Niagara Falls, Ontario

We made it! After 8 days of travelling across the North American continent we arrived at the Niagara Falls, it was very spectacular to see, you could feel the thunder as it has “the highest flow rate of any waterfall in the world, with a vertical drop of more than 165 feet (50 m).”    The three ring circus that surrounds it is unimaginable, more people than Disneyland, with arcades, amusement rides and every food vendor you could think of.  
We arrived after travelling 300 kms on the busy highways, I shut my bike off and when I went to start it the bike would not start!!!  We found out where the dealer was, I pushed Al on my bike across the parking lot to get it started and we headed to Niagara on the Lake to get things fixed.  We were there for two hours in a nice air conditioned store while they sorted things out.  The regulator was replaced and we headed out only to have to turn around and go back after I realized my clutch was not working right.  Another minor adjustment and we were on the road again to find a hotel, a cocktail and a swim!
We are enjoying our Mike Hard Lemon Aid on the deck of our hotel room, 
We went to the Don Cherrie’s Sports Bar for a pre-dinner cocktail, there was another Rookie Bar tender; I had to coach her on how to make the Martini on their menu.  It was the

2 oz Cherry Vodka
1 oz Triple Sec
Splash of Cranberry Juice all in the shaker and poured into a chilled glass.
The second martini was in the dinning room and I didn’t have to coach this bartender.  It was the French Kiss!!!
Both of these drinks were very yummy, the French Kiss being my fave!!!  We had a great dinner to celebrate as we watched the boats in the marina and the sun glowing on the Toronto skyline.
363/4743 kms


French Kiss Martini



From our hotel Lake Ontario, looking to Toronto
 which is right on the shore of Lake Ontario, looking across to the City of Toronto.  We toasted our accomplishment, and listened to the gulls and the singing of the sail boat riggin.   
Falls Ave, Niagara Falls, Ont

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