Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Monday 23 July 2012

Vroooom on Interstate 75

Mackinac Bridge, Michigan

Mackinac Bridge, Michigan

Unbeknown to us, the bridge was 2 blocks from our hotel, we turned onto highway 2, ½ a block we took the I75 exit and we were at the view point before the toll booth.  Here is the link to the bridge facts; it is very interesting.
From there we stayed on Interstate 75 South, stopping at the Gaylord Harley Dealer, and two or three rest stops along the way.  It was smoking hot with high humidity; I was sweating like a pig in my leathers!  I was definitely over heated when we finally got our hotel room; I was shaking and very red in the face, I got into the cold shower right away.
We stayed on the Interstate 75 until Flint, where we switched to Interstate 69 heading East to Port Huron. We were 70 kms from Detroit with 4 lanes of traffic travelling 70 mph!!!
The landscape is mostly scrub forests of Oak, maple and Juniper bushes.  After the bridge we were inland so we didn’t see the water again until we took the wrong exit and ended up at the River frontage in Port Huron.  The huge freighters go up the river St. Clair from Lake Huron to Lake Erie.  I never imagined the lakes to be so huge, it is like looking at the ocean, you can’t see the other side, there are white caps on the waves, with large sail boats and yachts cruising.
We were at the River and a couple volunteered to give us directions, he talked to me for 15 minutes about all the things to do at the Falls, directions to hotels, information on the St Clair River etc…. Al was talking to his wife, who said they were teachers, he asked what he taught, she said “college, that is why everyone gets a lecture”.  Too funny!

Looking at Sarnia, Ontario across the St. Clair River in Michigan
I have not left the room since I took my cold shower, I definitely don't feel well.  I will have to catch up on the Martinis tomorrow night!

499/4380 kms

1 comment:

  1. I hope you're feeling better, Wendy. Man, that must have been a hot ride. It must be amazing to be on the lakes. So big, hey?! Have a good night. Crank that air conditioning!! Xoxoxoxo
