Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Day 37 Mile zero and home

After 15,361 klm, 33 motel rooms, 10 Provinces we are home safely.  I thank the Harley gods for keeping us safe on our adventure.  O Canada our home and native land, is huge, with lots of friendly people, delicious food, beautiful cities and wide open spaces.  We can check this one off our bucket list!

Day 36 Victoria

On the road by 730 this morning trying to beat the heat; last night at 9 pm it was still 27 degrees.  The road thru the mountains was deserted with only the animals and a few logging trucks on it. Crisp air was a refreshing way to start the day, the eastern sunrise kept the chill away.
Hope was a gas and breakfast stop and then on into the Fraser Valley with the sun picking up heat.  We rolled into Denco Cycle at about 11 left my bike for them to check out while I dragged Al down main St for a much needed haircut.  He was panicing when the girl got the clippers out and started chopping away at it, no worries she did a great job.
We were in awe of the view at the ferry terminal, both if us have been missing the smell of the ocean.  We drove off the ferry at 5 pm with intentions of heading to mile zero, after observing the traffic and the heat we figured we would rather go to Mariahs. Mile zero can wait for the morning!!!

Day 35 Princeton poolside

Early morning stroll to the coffee bar downtown Grand Forks; where Al met some new biker buddies to compare notes with.  Back on the Crowsnest highway cruising thru the brown grasslands, where the deer and cattle graze.  Greenwood for breakfast at the Copper Eagle Bakery, omg French toast with REAL maple syrup.  It was busy!
We chugged along thru Osoyoos and right on thru to Kermeos where we stocked up on fruit at Parsons roadside stand, to be enjoyed poolside at the Evergreen Motel pool.
Early check-in again, then off to wash the bikes which is long overdue, it hasn't been done for 12000 klm!!!  We were clean until the gumbo in Saskatchewan!!  Oh well this is the last day for a motel room, I'm ready for my own bed!

Sunday 14 August 2016

Day 34 Pool day in Grand Forks

We did a walking tour of Creston at 6:30 this morning as we both are still not used to the time changes.  We left early to have breakfast at our favourite place The Dragonfly in Salmo.  The weather was crisp the sky was blue and the sun was shining as we rode the twisted mountainous highway.  It is good to be back in BC.
We checked into Johnny's Motel in Grand Forks at 11:30 unloaded the bikes and went to Lordco for oil.  The bikes needed some new oil, they were so kind to us and allowed us to do it in the shade behind the building.  It was a hot hour and a half but we changed the engine and primary oils, grabbed some beer and snacks and headed for pool!!!
We had a great day poolside!

Day 33 On the road again!!

I forgot to mention that while we were riding Highway 3 we watched a Crop dusting biplane do it's thing on the ripe crop beside the highway.  We could smell it long before we saw the act, I have read they do this but now I KNOW they spray the ripe grains before harvest and we are consuming the poison as it doesn't get washed off.  What about those breathing the fumes and handling the product???
Google the real reason grain is toxic.

We were waiting at the shop by 9 am hoping the mechanic would go in before 10, sure enough he got there shortly after but didn't stop to talk to us.  After about 45 minutes we heard the engine start and then the big door opened.  Al finally quit pacing it was fixed; the plug from the rectifier to the stater was corroded so they cut it off and made a new plug.  We rode out of there before 11 to go to Sideline Motorcycles who had a new one for insurance.  While waiting for the tow truck a guy drove up and gave us the shops phone number just in case we needed more assistance.

Off to Cranbrook and then Creston for the night.  We stayed right downtown at the Creston hotel and suites which was totally renovated with a great restaurant and pub.  The sheets and duvet were so nice!!!

I was so happy to have fruit and veggies to snack on!

Saturday 13 August 2016

Day 32 F@#k Broke down east of Lethbridge Alberta

We were off to a great start this morning heading out of Weyburn at 7 am, riding into dense misty fog on Highway 13 for 370 kilometers before hitting the TransCanada at Gull lake.  It was similar to riding in Montana, fields of gold for miles with rolling dips and climbs.  The fog burned off within an hour making the grey cumulus cloud visible; just when we thought we were going to be riding into them the road would change direction.
We were shooting for Sparwood for the might which was 800 klms, unfortunately just east of Lethbridge Al' s bike stopped running.  We were traveling west on the Crowsnest highway at 120 and it just stopped, good thing for the head sets as he was able to tell me he was pulling over and I was able to stop without hitting him.  Headlights were dim, no signal lights, wouldn't start so we took the seat off, everything seemed tight.
Now what?  Good thing for BCAA they were there within 45 minutes and had us to the shop before closing. Only thing was the shop didn't tell me they had no technicians working on a Saturday and that they were closed Monday.  Go figure it is August!!!!  The only technician there volunteered to come in when the shop opens at 10 am.......must be just a retail store as they don't have in stock a stator or regulator.
Hopefully it is just a lose connection or ground, stay tuned!!Look at the sign in the background, my favourite Corporation was beside where the bike died.  Is it an omen?

Thursday 11 August 2016

Day 31 Back in Canada

The bikes were surrounded by puddles of water this morning, they survived a huge storm. It was nice that we were not riding in it!!
Crossing the Red River into North Dakota we rode thru Grand Forks following highway 2, into a misty morning.  The water was running off the windshield, visibility was limited but it wasn't raining!
You could smell the fields of sunflowers long before you could see them. We pulled over on the highway for a photo, on my way to the field I got two soaked feet going thru the ditch, I hate wet boots.
Highway 2 runs thru farm lands and ranches, crops of ripe grains, hay bales, and closer to Minot oil rigs.  West of Minot we turned North West on Highway 52 to the Portal border crossing. The terrain was varied with rolling hills, lakes and fields with beef cattle grazing with the calves.
Near Kenmare the hills on either side of the highway had the year of the different grad classes written with white rocks on the hills.
I finally got one of the train engineers to blow the horn for me.
We rode into Weyburn escorted by a rain storm, we couldn't see and pulled into a parking lot, only to find it was slippery gumbo.
We stopped and immediately sunk into the goo, my boots had 2 inches stuck to the soles.  We waited for the rain to stop and then searched for puddles to wash off the grey mess.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Day 30 Crookston, Minnesota

The weather channel had us worried, we got an early start pulling over 60 klms Down the road for gas and breakfast.  Two old rednecks had fun with us telling us to get ready for 2 days of rain, thunder, lightning and high winds.  We left in a hurry, before we went 10 klms down the road we heard the loud rumble over the engine noise and the sky lit up and it poured. I was wet to my underwear within minutes, I couldn't see; we pulled to the side of the road but there was no shelter.  Off we went again coming to a little town within 5 minutes, there was a picnic area that we found a roof to hide under.
We hid  out there for a half hour checking the weather forecast for the town's we were headed to.  The rain stopped, the sky to the west was brighter, we had the rain gear on and we went for it. the rest of the day was dry😁
On thru Wisconsin and Minnesota stopping in Crookston on the border of North Dakota which is directly south of Winnipeg.
We crossed the Mississippi River, it was pretty small in this area. crossing from Wisconsin to Minnesota we went over the St Louis River on a very long bridge which curved to the far shore.  We had pulled up to a stop sign in Superior beside a long haul driver, he had a pillow beside his window and a hound had his head resting there.  So cute, the driver rolled his window down and we talked to the dog.
Minnesota is farm country with lots of crops ready for harvest; on the side of the highway we saw 2 wild turkeys standing in the yellow gold grain.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Day 29 Ironwood Michigan USA

The wheels were rolling on highway 17 before 8 am this morning, the sun was shining but the air was crisp and cool.  We went right into Sault Ste Marie and took the bridge over to Michigan.  It was a magnificent view from the bridge where we looked down on the locks, the railroad bridge and the lake.
Crossing over we rode highway 75, then highway 28 which followed the shores of lake Superior.  It was such a contrast to the northern shore, this shore had beautiful sand and a blue green water.  We stopped and walked to the waters edge to test the water, it was warm!!
We travelled thru farmland, National parks and small towns while the sun was shining down on us.
We ended up in Ironwood after travelling 650 kilometers.

Monday 8 August 2016

Day 28 Blind River Ontario

Sunny hot day, great for traveling highway 17 through Ontario. From Pembroke thru to Sudbury went quickly, the road curving thru farms and then Forest.  We stopped at the HD dealer to put air in my rear shocks and to buy another oil filter for the next change......over 11000 klms since mile zero in Victoria.
Blind River is a sleepy little town on lake Huron.  Our hotel gave us a brown paper bag with tomorrow's breakfast in it. Apple juice, a muffin, granola bar, cookie and an apple!

Sunday 7 August 2016

Day 27 vroom vrooooooom

vrooooooom we rolled thru Montreal city and Ottawa. Big oops when I set up Google lady this morning, I didn't add route 30 to it and she took us straight thru the city!  I saw the sign for route 30 and I knew we were doomed, thankfully it was Sunday and the traffic wasn't backed up..  we went thru the tunnel and we both said "oh f**k"!!  I had a cramp from holding my handle bar so tight, I was definitely scared!

We did it and then we were eventually riding on Ontario highway 417 into Ottawa which was easier than Montreal.  We were lucky we were heading WEST as the traffic coming into the city from the east was bumper to bumper and that was only 2 pm on this Sunday afternoon.  Everyone returning to the city.  The weather was sunny, not too hot with two thunder showers throughout the day.

We are back to riding hard, no more touring, we stopped for the might in Pembroke Ontario, grabbing a couple cool beverages to celebrate the great day.

Saturday 6 August 2016

Day 26 Quebec

The kilometers went rolling by thru New Brunswick and into Quebec to Montmagny, same place we stayed on day 10!  The strong winds tossed us around for the 700 kilometers, the cumulus clouds dropped rain down on us, not enough to get us wet for long, we were dry ten minutes later.
The northern part of New Brunswick was beautiful with rolling hills, tree plantations, fields of crops and farms.  The Saint John river was huge but nothing compared to the St Lawrence River that we get glimpses of from the free way.

Friday 5 August 2016

Day 23 and Mile zero!!!!

We made it to st Johns Newfoundland after 8500 klms of riding across this great big vast country we call Canada!!  It has been an amazing journey thru mountains, prairie fields, huge bridges, Forrest's and beaches.  People of every race, speaking languages we can't figure out but so friendly. LOVE it 😀

The city is an interesting port with containers lined up for shipping, supply ships waiting the next mission and fish boats Delivering their catch.  It is old brick buildings or tall narrow buildings painted in bright colors Jelly Bean row houses.  For lunch we went to Yellow Belly brew pub for lunch, yummy pizza and a turkey burger.

George Street is 2 blocks long with bars and restaurants, there is an outdoor stage ready for tonight's concerts at 8 tonight.  We went to Christian's bar to get screeched in, it was so fun! we kissed the frozen cod, ate Bologna and had a shot of rum.

It was the last night if George Street festival and we bought tickets for the evening music event.  They had an outdoor stage set up with a two blocks of bars closed off.  You had to have a ticket to enter, it was a huge beer garden, dancing and singing in the street.  Shanneyganock was the feature band, so amazing, the energy of the audience was unbelievable.  The fans sang along to all the songs, young and old they had a beer in hand, clapping and singing.

Day 24 and 25 Cape and Argentia

Cape Spear is the most eastern point in North America other than Greenland.  We rode out to the cape it was 20 minutes from downtown St John's following a two lane curving road.  It was hard believe that beyond the shore was Europe!
We had to back track 80 klm to the turn off to Argentia, we stopped at Placentia for lunch where Harold's Hotel served up Jiggs dinner.  Boiled carrot, potato, turnip, salted beef, turkey and yellow pea pudding.  I enjoyed it for brunch!  We were in line at the ferry 4 hours early followed by 53 other bikes.  We all drove on, tied the bikes down and scrambled to find a chair to sleep in for the 16 hour trip to North Sydney.  It takes at least an hour for them to load the vehicles and freight, unloading takes even longer.  They need lessons!!!
We road out of North Sydney heading WEST on the TransCanada highway, ending our day 460 klms in Moncton.  Al finally got to eat the lobster dinner😀

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Day 22 Stephenville to Clarenville

We slept in but only if you used Nfld time, another time change and we lost an hour.  Packed up and ready to go and Al's bike wouldn't start, his battery was dead.  We did a quick change in the parking lot thankfully the other bikers had the wrench we needed. Whoops forgot that one at home!
Off towards Gander under grey clouded sky, it was cool enough all day to plug in the heated gloves and coat.  After 200 klms we stopped for gas and breakfast, in rolled the other BC bikers Al met on the ferry. They are on their Harley going coast to coast just like us, really nice people.
We detoured thru Norris Arm to see where Thelma lived, it was a cute little community. The scenery is similar to the Yukon with lots of ocean and lake views.  My motorcycle skills were tested with the winds and huge ruts in the pavement. Only 180 klms to mile zero!!

Day 21 Ferry to Nfld

Excited for the final roads east and the ferry to Nfld we were on the road to North Sydney arriving way before the required time.  Als bike groaned when he started it so he walked over to Canadian tire for a new battery to install later. No problem boarding the bikes we were parked in the car lanes behind each other. We had to tie them down before heading upstairs to the passenger lounge where we grabbed comfortable high back adjustable chairs at the window ready for 5 hours on the water.
Al met new friends while I read an entire book between watching the scenery go by.  Docking in Port au Basque was uneventful but shockingly beautiful,  I was amazed it looked exactly like the brochures.  30 motorcycles and a couple transport trucks were first off on a curving TransCanada hwy, the gusts of wind kept our minds on task.  The 164 klm drive to Stephenville went quickly, getting there before darkness!  Dave and Sherry from the ferry met us in the dining room for dinner; we were all hungry as we had not eaten since breakfast.

Day 20 Sydney Nova Scotia

On the road early this morning hoping to enjoy the cooler temperatures, heading into the beautiful sunshine.  Travelling on highway 104, then 4 and 247.  The Google lady was having trouble finding a signal so consequently we took a wrong turn and ended up down a rough windy road and we came out at a world class surfing beach;
We left there and it turned to gravel so we back tracked back to 247 for a few kilometers, when we saw a sign back to highway 4 we took the fork in the road and went for it.  Haha we thought the other road was rough but this one was full of back jarring craters and bumps!  We did see the first deer in the Atlantic provinces, a whitetail doe.  We have seen lots of road kill which have been porcupine, stinky skunks, and huge raccoons, lately a couple rabbits.
We got to our room about 1 and headed for a walking tour of the town, found a pub serving ice cold beer and a great lunch.  Gas is cheap at 96 cents but 4 litres of milk is $6.19.
Upon leaving the Irish pub after dinner we followed the sounds of a band playing and found an outdoor concert where we listened to music from the 70s and some Cape Breton jigs!  Great ending to our day!