Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Where did all the traffic go?

Windy Osoyoos

On the road 7 am we were heading into the hills for Princeton.  The sun was bright but the air was very fresh in the mountains, chilly I might add!  The hashbrowns at Billy's were exactly as I remembered them, yummy!   We took off a layer before we got back on the road to Keromeos, the air was definitely getting warmer.  Osoyoos was a very windy, cloudy town; we stopped quickly in Rock Creek to avoid the huge rain drops coming our way.  After a half hour latte we were back on  highway 3 headed to Grand Forks, it was too early to stop so we continued on to Christina Lake, Rossland and finally Trail.

Rain and thunder in Rock Creek
We found a hotel with a pool on the outside of town, it was very refreshing after the ride.  The walk to town took a half hour, I didn't remember my camera until we were crossing the Columbia River!!!  I was not going back for it martini picture tonight.

Wendy at the Arlington Bar and Grill made me the Grand Marnier Frapple - it was very good and definitely one to make at home!
1 1/2 oz Grand Marnier
1/2 oz Kahlua
2 oz of Orange Juice

Pour into a shaker full of ice and shake vigorously before serving in a chilled glass.  Wendy had 3 olives on a skewer as the garnish but it did not seem appropriate.  I think an orange wedge would be better!!

484 /816 kms

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