Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Sunday 29 July 2012


Another sunny day on the road, the perfect temperature for travelling; I didn’t realize that Highway 1 started at the Manitoba border along with the Yellowhead highway.  The Yellowhead turns North somewhere around Regina while the Highway 1 goes all the way to Vancouver.  The highway could definitely use some new pavement, there are large frost heaves, dips and rough patches.

The land is so flat, you can see for miles but all you see is a patch work of fields; green hay, yellow canola, green sunflowers with yellow heads and a few trees mixed in with hay bales.   From an airplane it would be beautiful to see!

We both were amazed at how big Regina has grown in the past five years, we checked a hotel before the bypass and were surprised it was $150, plus taxes.  We decided we would just keep going to Moose Jaw, it was only another 71 kms west.

We headed over to the Boston Pizza where they make excellent Martini Drinks.

720/7850 kms

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