Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Saturday 21 July 2012

8 dead skunks, 4 deer and a couple of racoons

8 dead skunks, 4 deer and a couple of racoons for road kill, it was a good day!   We travelled thru North Dakota, Minnesota, and landed up in Wisconsin for the night,  at Iron River, after travelling over the Missouri River, the Mississippi River the Red River and Lake Superior.   What a journey!   It was amazing, the golden fields of grain, the Sunflower fields with all of the heads facing the sun, the cows, the scrub forests and the lakes.  A little bit of everything!   The Richard I Bong bridge over Lake Superior was the best of all, I want to go back and do it again it was so spectacular. I made up for the lack of Martinis, I had three tonight  and I had to teach the bartender how to make them.  What a concept, I got to choose the liquors and invent the concoction and they were all good!  Whahoo!
Ashley's 1st concoction
Sandy at the Boogies Iron River Saloon didn’t know how to mix a Martini so I
Sandeeès Martini
1 shot of Raspberry Vodka
1 shot of Apricot Brandy
1 shot of Orange Juice
1 shot of Cranberry Juice
Shaken vigorously with crushed iced and served in a HIGHBALL GLASS with ice!!!

As you might have guessed I have caught up with the Martinis, I had to coach Ashley she didn't know how to mix a Martini, (she does now)  the next one was from Ashley at the Battle AXE SALOON, way too much fun, a guy was hitting on me, he had lots of money, $1000 nds, he said!
1 shot of Cherry Kran Absolute Vodka (gotta get it at the Duty Free)
1 shot Triple Sec
1 shot of Cranberry Juice
And a splash of soda, shaken vigorously in  a shaker full of crushed ice, served in a fancy glass, no garnish  necessary!!
Ashleyès 2nd Martini
1 oz Malibu Rum (which I am getting a taste for)
1 oz Absolute Wild Tea Vodka
1 oz Orange Juice and a splash of Soda – shaken with crushed ice and served in a fancy glass!  Whahoo!
Ashley's concoction
637/3264 kms

Sandy's  Concoction
 gave her instructions.  What a concept, choosing from a bar full of alcohol…..

1 comment:

  1. What a day you had! The things you saw! Wow! You'll have to explain the Richard I Bong!! Good job on catching up on the martinis!!! Which one of your concoctions did you like best?!!! Drew's wedding was phenomenal!!! Ryan did a superb job as best man!!! Enjoy today's ride! Keep on posting. You're doing a wonderul job of 'taking us with you'!!! Xoxoxoxoxo
