Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Thursday 19 July 2012

102 degrees at 7:15 pm

Up and out the door by 7 am, the sun was shining and the temperature was already climbing.  We rolled through beautiful ranch land with different patches of color, round hay bales, cattle, horses and deer.  It was 23 kms to the Carway border crossing to Montana; no traffic just big sky!

Havre, Montana

Saco, Montana

The road wound up to Babb, and St Mary’s where the old red convertible cars were lined up to haul the tourists up the Road to the Sun.  Unfortunately there was a huge mud slide and the road was closed to traffic.  Lucky for us it was not our planned destination.  We continued south to Browning where we had breakfast, they took Canadian dollars at par!!  New concept for Canadians!
From there we followed highway 2 East through Cutbank and Shelby, stopping in Havre for a beer.  It didn’t come close to quenching our thirst, as it was over 90 degrees and climbing.  There was a County Fair in Havre but it was too hot to stop for the entertainment, we pushed on to Chinook.  Al was pulling over to buy water and I didn’t see his signal, it was a near miss!   OMG the adrenaline was rushing.  We went to leave the gas station only to discover my brake was seized, it took a bit of work but it finally released only to leave me with no back brake at all!!!!  It was a scary ride to Malta where we stopped at the hardware store to buy a wrench and some brake fluid.  We rode to all 5 hotels and not one had any rooms available! 
On the road again, the plan was to check out the lonely hotel 50 miles down the road in Saco; it was a dive!  Cheap thou $48!  We had another beer at the local bar and the girl serving us told us to phone ahead to Glasgow for a room.  The railway workers were out in full force and taking up all the rooms!  She called ahead and we had a room waiting when we got there, my brake was working again, there were martinis and all was well!
Sam's Super Club in Glasgow had a very large Martini Menu for me to choose my poison from.
Tonights martini was a "Bikini Martini"
1 oz Vodka
1 oz Malibu Rum
1 oz Orange juice
1 oz Pineapple juice
It was all added to the shaker for a very refreshing drink!

623/1992 kms


  1. Good job on the martini hunting, Wendy!! I LOVE hearing about your adventures, near misses and all!!! It's just starting to spit a bit here. Lovely morning, though. Enjoy today's ride! xoxoxoxo

  2. One of the boat owners made Evan a lemon drop martini last night: gin and the juice of 10 lemons with a tiny bit of sugar. Very good he said, but not the same as ours!!
