Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Sunday 24 July 2011

Sand Dunes forever!

Highway 70 to the White Sands Monument, 275 square miles of white gypsum sand dunes which move 15 feet per year.  The sand was blinding, it felt like talcum powder and the air was scorching hot!  We watched the documentary movie and drove out into the dunes where Al had to go for a walk to see the yuccas and wild flowers which managed to survive in the harsh environment.  It was quiet, not a sound, just the wind in the sand.
After the monument we continued west to Las Cruces, the highway was a straight line, no turns, no corners just straight ahead for 150 kilometers.  Half way there in the middle of no- where there were cameras set up to take pictures of the cars speeding by, the Border Patrol we assume.  We were 33 miles from the Mexican border and on Highway 10 heading for Arizona and we had to slow down and go thru a border check.  They asked, “What is your citizenship?” and then he flagged us thru.  It is pretty weird to see the border patrol parked below the over passes, tucked into alleys behind buildings waiting to bust the Mexicans who come into the USA illegally!
At Deming we headed north to Silver City which is a mountainous town catering to two copper mines.  We went to the Watering Hole Lounge at the Red Barn where Marita made me a martini.  It was interesting to talk to the locals about the barrel racing and roping events that they participated in at the Luna rodeo.  Marita rides one of 6 horses that she shares with her mom and they did the event in 17.5 seconds.  The other fellow worked as a supervisor at the copper mine and was a roper; he had lost his thumb last week in a roping accident.

1 1/2 oz Sour Cherry Pucker Vodka
1/2 oz Sweet n Sour Margarita mix
Splash of Grenadine

Pour the first two ingredients into the shaker filled with crushed ice, shake vigorously.  Using a chilled martini glass wipe the rim with Grenadine and then dip into sugar.  Pour the ingredients into the martini glass and add a splash of grenadine.  Very refreshing!
Marita was the first bartender to give me the shaker with the excess to add to my glass as I sipped the martini!

488/4481 kms


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This blog is AWESOME, Wendy!!! I am loving it! I feel like I'm on a bike right beside you. And I can almost taste the martinis!!!!! xoxoxoxox
