Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Sunday 31 July 2011


My body hurts; it is tired and sore after riding 1043 kms today to reach Victoria, BC, CANADA!!  We left Missoula, Montana before 7 in the morning and arrived in Victoria about 11:45 pm!!!  Not a bad day’s ride.  Al wanted to attend a friend’s funeral in Nanaimo on Sunday so off we went. 
It was the I-90 from Missoula to Spokane Washington, then Highway 2 thru to Wenachee and then on to Everett.  From there we were on the scary I-5 to Blaine, unfortunately we missed the Duty Free exit and I was NOT going back.   We didn’t check the time but decided to try for a ferry; lucky for us it was 8 pm and we arrived with plenty of time to be on the 9 pm to Victoria.  That was pretty good luck.
We are now definitely conditioned to riding, we are biker atletes, I know that I couldn’t have done that ride two weeks ago.   I will be glad to be home; I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed, see my dog and all the girls and I think I will even have a couple martinis when I get there.

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