Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Monday 10 August 2015

Home - YAHOO!!

We are home after.......
4250 kilometers
a Football Game
a Music Festival
a Wedding
mountain goats, a dead skunk and porcupine,
fresh cut hay, the smell of rain,
all memories that I will relive this winter when the bikes are parked in the garage!!

Last day of the road trip but, not home yet!!

 Oh Canada our home and native land!   There isn't a better place to live, I am proud to be a Canadian!
 On the road at 7:30 putting thru the desert watching the sun crawling over the mountains to warm the air.  We had our heated jackets on for the first time this trip, even after breakfast in Lilloet, we still needed the warmth.

The highway was so peaceful without the usual motorhomes holding up traffic.  It was an uneventful ride thru to the ferry, of course we missed the ferry by minutes and had to wait an hour and a half for the next one.  It was a relief that we were staying in Nanaimo for Evan and Carly's wedding and we didn't have to drive home.


Oliver to Cache Creek

Thursday we were on the road early travelling to Princeton on the Crows Nest Hwy, then went north on the back road passing Allison Lake, and on to the Connector to Merritt.  It was chilly, the cabins surrounding the lake had smoke billowing from their chimneys.  From Merritt we rode thru to Spences Bridge and then north to Cache Creek.  We arrived early enough to enjoy the deck around the pool; the pool was way toooooo cold for me to swim in it!  The sun was out, the coolers were chilled and we celebrated the great ride!


Wednesday 5 August 2015

Edmonton To Oliver

We navigated our way out of Edmonton, whahoo!! The Anthony Henday highway is so intimidating until you realize it is a ring road going around the city.  We went west on the Yellow head hwy then south to Drayton Valley and Rocky Mountain House, then on to Golden for the night. We splurged staying at a Prestige Inn.  Boston Pizza even knew how to make a Porn Star Martini....not as strong as I make em but tasty!!

Up in the morning travelling Hwy 1 to Revelsoke; traffic was crazy and unpredictable.  We stopped for fuel, nothing but lineups for gas, food, bathrooms and no parking available.  Chaos!!!
We took the ferry to Nakusp, then road thru New Denver, Kaslo and into Nelson.  Definitely a change of pace, 
 Lots of layed back hippies, only the younger version.  They were sleeping in tents, cars and right in the open along the downtown shoreline.
Off to Oliver the next morning after a delicious breakfast on the patio overlooking the boat marina....just like Granville Island only majestic mountains surrounding us and not alot of people.
I experienced road rage north of Grand Forks, I was passing a car on a two lane passing lane when a White van passed both of us on my left, on a corner with traffic coming at us...I was sandwiched between the two cars!!! F***!! 
I chased him down to get his licence plate number and I reported him to the RCMP in Grand Forks, it took me awhile to calm down, I could have touched his van!

Poolside today to avoid the rain on the road ahead, forecast is for sun tomorrow!

Monday 3 August 2015

Big Valley Jambore

We had an amazing day under blue skies with good food, friends, lots of laughs, and the best music!!  Brad Paisley was an amazing entertainer!

Saturday 1 August 2015

Eskimos vs Roughriders

Another great night at the game, after travelling from Cranbrook to Taber and then on to Edmonton.  No new Martinis, I had to settle for another Northern Lights in Taber!  Eskimos won easily with lots of flags on the ground for Saskatchewan, but the 50 50 was worth $125,000......!!!