Campbell River to New Mexico

Campbell River to New Mexico

Friday 3 August 2012

Home again!

After 18 days on the road we have ridden 9,952 kilometers and travelled thru BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Minnesota and Montana.
For a map of our trip go to

It was a trip full of memories mostly good and of course we are grateful to the biker fairy and angel who guided us safely home.

The best of the trip were;
Roads – Sudbury to Thunder Bay – The Crowsnest Pass of BC
Hotel Room – Jordan, Ontario right on the shore of Lake Ontario
Outdoor Pool – Hacienda Motel, Grand Forks, B.C.
Meal – Joe’s Restaurant, Hope, B.C.
Best Harley Shop – Jaycox, Missasauga
Best Martini – Southern Sunrise, Naxo, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Until next year, when we hit the road again! 

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Creston to Princeton

The rat race is crazy, why do we do it?  When we were outside of Winnipeg we stayed in Steinbach; in the morning we went for gas.  After going to three different gas stations we realized it was Sunday and they were not open at 8 am!  That is so different than what we are used to, 24/7 gas stations. 

We continued on highway 3 from Creston to Salmo where we stopped and had breakfast at the “Dragon Fly CafĂ©”.  Same waitress, she remembered us from two weeks ago; great coffee and breakfast.  That ride was awesome, the sun was behind us, we climbed up to the peak of 1514 m and then descended to the valley on the other side, twisting beside the creeks and rivers.

No trains today but last night when we were walking back from dinner in the dark, a train was coming into Creston.  Al ran to the side of the road and was waving when the Locomotive came around the bend.  The engineer switched on his cab light and waved back to him!   So far only 1 of 4 engineers in Canada have blown their whistle for me when we are on the highway. 

Today there was a fence line that had a baseball hat on every post, this is the second fence we saw like this.  On highway 22 I bet the hatted fence went on for 5 kms, you gotta love their creativity and sense of humour!
Princeton, B.C.

We were back on the Crowsnest Highway 3 to Castlegar, Christina Lake, Grand Forks, Greenway, Midway, Osoyoos, Keromeos and then Princeton where we are parking for the night.  At Keromeos we stopped at the Parson Orchard for fresh corn on the cob and ice cream.  They are the 4th generation of farmers operating the orchard and they have some very yummy products that the brother and sister produce.  We bought roasted garlic salt which is so good on the corn! 

In Princeton we pulled into the Evergreen Motel with the outdoor pool, only two rooms were available and that was at 3 pm.  Lucky for us, this has been a favourite stop of ours for a number of years; Santos the Greek restaurant is within walking distance. 

Tracy made me her Special Martini
1/2 oz Butter Ripple Schnapps
1/2 oz Green Apple sour Puss
1 oz Green Apple Vodka

Tracy's Special from Santos, Princeton, B.C.
 Pour into shaker with cracked ice, shake vigorously and pour into a chilled glass.  Garnish with Lemon and Lime wedges.

456/9496 kms